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Beauty is an ever evolving part of life. Whether it's a trending color, style, or way of doing things our cosmetic experts will provide their reviews, step-by-step tutorials, or products reviews to help navigate all things beauty along the way.

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  • Salon Jean’s CEO and Founder, Jean Bae, has been doing makeup for 30 years. She’s here to share her hydration tips for the lips!
  • Whenever I am doing a client’s makeup, I always notice their lips. At times I find myself wondering how individuals have dry or chapped lips as this appears to the eye as wrinkled or makes the individual older looking. Hydrated lips will leave you looking younger, less wrinkled, luscious and plump.
  • My favorite ways to hydrate your lips:
  • - Find a non-irritating lip balm or lip moisturizer multiple times a day and always before bed. If your lips are very dry and cracked, try a thick ointment, such as white petroleum jelly. Ointment seals in water longer than waxes or oils.
  • - Avoid the following ingredients while your lips are chapped as they won’t hydrate only dry out:
  • - Camphor
  • - Eucalyptus
  • - Flavoring: Cinnamon, citrus, mint, and peppermint flavors can be especially irritating to dry, chapped lips
  • - Fragrance
  • - Lanolin
  • - Menthol
  • - Octinoxate or oxybenzone
  • - Phenol (or phenyl)
  • - Propyl gallate
  • - Salicylic acid
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